*Why I Do What I Do

Working Pleasure

Just wanted to share with everyone an email I received the other day. Totally had my eyes watering and my heart thumping with joy and my feet dancing with satisfaction! This is why I do what I do…

Hello, Rose. Happy Christmas!

I say that with appreciation for your reading of Kay Jaybee’s story on the Sexy Librarian. Review just left on iTunes!

(I just picked up her “Best of” on the kindle . . . thanks for the heads up on her! I’m always looking for great and fresh erotica.)

Just like you described getting lost in a single paragraph of her writing, I occasionally find myself having to jump back on your reading a bit because we get caught up in your voice. It doesn’t happen all the time, but sometimes you become aurally poetic and is just as nice as the words you are reading!

The Christmas equestrian story was a fun one, so it was easy to listen a couple of times. Well produced, very nice.

I appreciate what you do. Thanks, again!

Happy New Year,