Shady Palms the Audio Book – Coming Soon!

Shady Palms Audio Book - Coming Very Soon!

It has been one fun, gore-filled ride recording my favorite horrible darling, Allen Dusk’s, “Shady Palms“. While Erotica is my specialty, Horror that is deliciously laced with gritty, no-holds-barred “Splatter-Punk” will always be dear to my heart (a guilty pleasure of mine since I was very young). It is the only place where I get to sling around phrases like, “flapping neck meat“, “raspberry mist of brain jelly” and “Meaty biceps pealed away…“. Most girls probably don’t clap their hands from so much bloody description, but I frickin’ do. I swear, I was like a kid in a candy shop, clapping my hands and getting all excited about the very next paragraph… for example…

by Allen DuskI love Stephen King. If you were to come into my office and look at my top bookshelf you would find it packed with all of my King favorites, starting with “Carrie” and ending with “Cujo“. Allen Dusk’s “Shady Palms” has its very own place on that top shelf too. One of the things that I love about Dusk’s writing style is that he doesn’t hold back-at all. His stories are written to entertain, they don’t worry about offending. Honest characters are what sell a believable story.  Dusk’s lead character, Sanjay Patel is that guy. We get to experience his shady dark side, live through his fears and take pride in his more tender hidden side. Without giving anything away, let me just say that Sanjay could have an entire new book written all about him. And Dusk doesn’t just give us one great character, his entire book is loaded with them–Sanjay just happens to be my personal favorite. It was such an honor and a great pleasure to perform Sanjay’s character and all the others in this book as well.

If you want more deliciously frightening tales from my dear friend, please visit for more. Or if you click here you can listen to “Terminal Affair”, another of my favorite Allen Dusk tales that still ranks as a top Lurid Listener favorite on The Kiss Me Quick’s podcast.


I will keep everyone posted as to when the audio book is officially available for purchase as soon as I get word. Plus, Dusk and I will offer up some awesome teasers intended to get you hooked!

So, hang on my friends, you are in for one excitingly gruesome tale… I hope you aren’t squeamish!