
Hey Everybody!! I am so excited! Here, for your pleasure, is my live–first time ever telling a true story at: Bawdy Storytelling: Sapiosexual! Thank you, Dixie for helping me get my ass up there to tell my story. You are a phenom! And, thank you to LELO for all your wonderful, sexy gifts.

Check out my very fun conversation with this wonderfully talented lady on The Sexy Librarian’s Erotica Blog-Cast!
Dixie Strangles RoseDownload this link or stream it below.
If you want the opportunity to tell your true sexy story on stage, get in touch with Dixie De La Tour. Pitch your story here.

If you haven’t made it out to a Bawdy event, I highly recommend that you put it on your calendar, every month if you can! Dixie travels from Los Angeles, CA up to Seattle, Washington. She always has fun interactive games lined up, contests where some lucky audience members can win incredible LELO prizes and more! It is the perfect date night, you guys. Trust me when I say, ‘Bawdy will get you laid’. There are drinks, an amazing crowd, and as always exciting, TRUE SEXY STORIES at Bawdy Storytelling!!!


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