Taste by Jocelyn Bringas

I would like to introduce you to, Best Women’s Erotica of the Year vol.2

Edited by Rachel Kramer Bussel.

My favorite thing about this book is that BWE2 is a book of empowerment. More and more women are speaking up and, more importantly, they’re being heard. Women are executing their wants. Allowing themselves dalliances. Taking ownership of their fantasies, their sexualities, and their bodies. I believe that it’s not a coincidence that this political and social women’s movement is happening at a time when women are taking their sexuality and their desire into their own hands (pun intended). In my opinion, BWE2 exemplifies this empowerment. From its authorship to its characters, women’s desire is openly explored.

Today’s story “Taste” by Jocelyn Bringas, opens up with a stranger wondering if Summer might taste as good as she looks. It’s the story of a woman who decides to take a man up on his offer and gets herself a little taste of strange…

 Best Women’s Erotica of the Year, Volume 2 gives us fierce female passion, timeless love, and lustful encounters that are guaranteed to fill you with utter delight. Edited by the award-winning Rachel Kramer Bussel, these sexy stories about women on the prowl span the globe, traveling from Peru to the Bahamas and beyond in pursuit of pleasure. Learn why “Teacher Appreciation” is so special, what sex is like “At the End of the World,” and explore some very explosive “Volcano Nights.” These unforgettable erotic tales by the top authors in the genre as well as newcomers will arouse and thrill readers looking for a hot time between the pages.


Enjoy More Sexy Audio Stories by Rose Caraway

Contact Rose Caraway:
Phone- (202) 810-5477
Email- thekissmequicks@gmail.com
Twitter- @RoseCaraway
@BigDaddyDayv @StupidFishPro

Rose tells her TRUE sex story!
Bawdy Storytelling(YouTube)

I’d like to thank the following musical artists:

Fabian Measures
Ennio the Little Brother
Little Glass Men 
Mike B Fort 
Introduction music by Vyvch.